A key part of gaining expertise in a given field is learning from your peers. We’re not exempt from that principle here at Vertical Leap; we fully immerse ourselves in the world of digital and search marketing, in order to remain at the top of our game.
In practical terms, that means we collectively read a lot of articles in a given month, allowing us to stay abreast of current changes and best practice in our field. As a result, we thought we’d share some of the articles that we enjoyed/learned the most from in August, to allow you to stay up to date as well!
A really helpful article that dissects some of the most common pitfalls of writing content that people actually read.
This article is neither long, nor complex, but reiterates the importance of techniques that are often neglected. The numbers of times that I still come across blogs that are essentially walls of text amazes me, and any attempt to rectify this situation is welcome in my books!
Moz is of course one of the internet’s foremost hubs of SEO knowledge, a veritable treasure trove of search and digital marketing knowledge. This post, from eminent link building expert and ex-Vertical Leaper Dan Callis, takes a look at the chief tripping points in a link-building campaign.
It doesn’t matter how seasoned a link-building veteran you are, the tips in this article are plentiful and far-ranging; we defy any reader to come away without at least one way to optimise their outreach campaigns for further efficiency.
A smart post from Greg Gifford about how best to explain local SEO to prospective clients. It’s all too easy to get a bit out of touch (in some cases even arrogant!) with what a layman would know of a particular subject, and SEO is no different.
Greg’s analogy treads the delicate line between the extremes of being too vague – or too patronising – all the while making us extremely hungry. Hats off to Greg!
When HTTPS first dropped, it seemed like a fairly obvious recommendation to make to clients. After all, increased security is always a good thing, right? However, as with many new technologies/systems, there was an immediate fear that there may be downsides to HTTPS’ operation from an SEO standpoint.
This article by Michael Hernandez does a fine job of assuaging any fears from those looking to switch client or personal sites across to HTTPS, while providing some practical tips on how to keep Google happy throughout the process. Indispensable knowledge, in a bite-size format.
Another concise, yet highly informative post – this time from Martin Kura. This article tackles the thorny issue of top level domains, looking at how they should be optimised for use in international or domestic markets.
The infographic towards the end of the article, also found on Martin’s own site, provides a particularly handy reference point for time-bereft SEO pros (a very large group!).
From our very own Lee Wilson and James Faulkner, comes this fun guide to the attributes possessed by the ideal search marketer. While certainly a tongue-in-cheek piece, it emphasises the need in today’s competitive digital marketing industry to be strong in all spectrums of the field.
So, if you want to get a taste for the skill set required to remain effective in the fast-moving world of search marketing, take a look!
We thought we’d end this month’s round up with a cautionary tale, though this one at least has a happy ending. Jeff Deutsch spent years making 10s of thousands of pounds from spamming Google, all while doing about 10 hours of actual ‘work’ every week.
While sounding like the kind of life that we would all envy, Jeff makes it clear that such a career choice was a precarious house of cards, which Google could (and ultimately did, with its various algorithm updates) blow down at any moment.
As entertaining as reading a Godfather-esque (a reference that Jeff himself uses) karmic fall from grace is, this piece also serves as an affirmation of our policies at Vertical Leap; quality content and web-design, as well as a data-led strategy, makes the internet a better place for everyone.
Did you come across any awesome search articles in August that I might have missed? If so, tweet me, as I’d love to have a read!
Having worked as a writer for a number of years, and with a degree in English Literature and Media Studies from the University of Portsmouth, Nick joined Vertical Leap in May 2014, and currently works as an SEO Specialist. When not feverishly comparing statistics, or mercilessly hammering keys, Nick enjoys a good film, or a better book.
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