4.9 from over 110 Google Reviews

Digital PR Services

If you’re struggling to get your brand noticed online, you’re not alone. Today’s busy digital landscape makes it hard to cut through the noise and reach your target audience. Our digital PR services can help with that; crafting strategic campaigns that get your brand in the online spaces that matter most.
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What is digital PR and how can it help your business?

Digital PR builds the profile of a brand to increase its online visibility, awareness and reputation. It leverages various digital marketing strategies – including SEO, social media and content marketing – to maximise reach across every channel. Crucially, digital PR helps you connect with audiences beyond your own platforms and accounts, building brand reputation and authority.

At Vertical Leap, we create carefully considered campaigns that land your brand in the publications, websites, and online spaces that matter most to give you control over the narrative. We don’t just generate general hype or buzz; we build lasting brand authority that drives qualified traffic, boosts conversions and fuels your business growth.

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How can digital PR services improve my SEO?

Digital PR is particularly important for SEO as search engines care more about trust and reputation than ever. At the same time, inbound links are still one of the most important ranking factors, but links alone don’t boost rankings.

Search engines are smart enough to know a sudden increase in links without increased brand mentions, press coverage and overall hype is unnatural. Digital PR earns quality backlinks but it also lifts the profile of your brand. This drives engagement, brand mentions, press coverage, etc. – everything search engines want to see along with legitimate backlinks.

A well-thought-out and planned digital PR strategy can have a very positive effect on your SEO!

Benefits of our digital PR services

Digital PR connects you with a wider audience across online channels and allows you to craft a compelling brand image. The key benefits of digital PR strengthen the performance of other inbound marketing strategies, like SEO and social media, and include:

  • Brand awareness: Increase brand awareness with your target audience across every relevant channel and platform.
  • Market reach: Connect with audiences beyond the reach of your inbound marketing channels.
  • Press coverage & hype: Get the media and your target audiences to do the marketing for you by being newsworthy and part of the conversations people are having online.
  • Brand image: Take control of your brand image and build a narrative that strengthens the relationship with your target audience.
  • Reputation, authority & credibility: Get people talking about your brand for the right reasons and enhance the reputation, perception and credibility of your brand by being an authoritative and expert voice.
  • Enhanced SEO: Digital PR earns you quality backlinks, increases brand citations and builds the kind of authentic engagement search engines love.
  • Lead generation: With digital PR supporting your inbound marketing strategies, you can generate more leads from every channel.

When they tell you that they will be an extension of your team, that's the absolute truth - and one of the many reasons why I strongly recommend Vertical Leap. They continue to deliver incredible results to us in digital marketing - sometimes with little notice and tight deadlines.

digital PR key metrics

Important digital PR metrics that we'll use in your reporting

To prove the impact of your digital PR strategy, you need to know which metrics demonstrate success. Here are some of the most important metrics we’ll track in your digital PR reporting:

  • Inbound links from relevant, authoritative websites.
  • Brand mentions to show people are talking about you.
  • Referral traffic from third-party websites, social channels etc.
  • Brand searches to show more people searching for your brand.
  • New visitors accessing your website via the URL bar and other direct sources.
  • Brand-related chatter across social media.
  • Leads generated from inbound marketing channels.

Why choose Vertical Leap for your Digital PR?

Proven results

Our team of experienced PR specialists has a proven track record of securing high-quality placements in top-tier publications. We leverage our media relationships and industry knowledge to get your brand in front of the right audience.

Data-driven approach

We don’t believe in guesswork. We use data and analytics to inform every step of your digital PR campaign starting with a digital PR audit, ensuring we’re targeting the right publications and achieving measurable results. This includes analysing your competition and sector to set benchmarks for your strategy and track performance and interest in those competitor brands.

Comprehensive strategy

We go beyond press releases. We develop a holistic digital PR strategy that includes identifying key media outlets, content creation, influencer outreach, social media promotion, and more. Link building is also part of this, securing inbound links from authoritative websites to improve your organic search rankings and drive referral traffic from the content placements.

Transparency & communication

We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way. You’ll receive a roadmap based on your marketing plan, sector events and seasonal holidays as well as regular reports, reactive opportunities, forward features and updates on your campaign’s performance.

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4.9★★★★★ from over 110 Google reviews

Our aim is always to deliver the best digital marketing service in the industry and this is reflected in our Google reviews. We consistently receive high ratings for our unrivalled levels of knowledge, professionalism, responsiveness and quality of service. You can check out our reviews here.

So whether you’re a small, one-location shop or an international company with offices around the world, we promise to drive the biggest possible return for your digital PR spend. We’ll ensure your brand is visible when potential customers are searching online and drive qualified leads and sales to your business.

Find out how we can help your business

Whether you’re looking to increase your visibility online or improve conversions through your website, we offer a range of services including SEO, PPC, web design & build, conversion rate optimisation, content marketing and social media management, all of which can be tailored to your specific needs.

To chat to one of the team, email [email protected], call 02392 830281 or fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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51% increase in SEO-driven revenue
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79% increase in table bookings from ‘near-me’ searches
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Frequently asked questions

Digital PR focuses on reaching your target audience through digital channels. Where traditional PR targets newspapers, radio stations and other offline mediums, digital PR targets online publications, influencers and other online opportunities.

Digital PR is a multichannel marketing strategy that incorporates elements of SEO, social media, influencer marketing, press relations and all valuable marketing channels to any given brand. For SEO, digital PR can help you secure off-page content opportunities, increase brand mentions/citations and earn valuable backlinks.

Earning quality backlinks is an important element of digital PR, but it’s not the only priority. On a broader level, digital PR aims to increase brand awareness and maintain a positive brand reception. As you publish content across third-party sites and more publications write about your business, you should see an increase in quality backlinks. This is one of many ways in which digital PR can improve the performance of SEO and other marketing strategies.

A digital PR (Public Relations) agency specialises in managing and improving the online presence and reputation of businesses, brands, or individuals. Here are some key activities that a digital PR agency typically engages in:
  1. Content Creation and Distribution: Crafting press releases, blog posts, articles, and multimedia content that are engaging and newsworthy. They ensure this content is distributed to relevant media outlets, websites, and influencers.
  2. Media Relations: Building and maintaining relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers. They pitch stories, secure media coverage, and arrange interviews to generate positive publicity.
  3. Social Media Management: Managing and optimising social media profiles, creating and curating content, and engaging with followers to build a strong online community.
  4. Influencer Marketing: Identifying and collaborating with influencers whose audience aligns with the brand’s target market. This can include product placements, reviews, and sponsored content.
  5. SEO and Link Building: Improving the brand’s search engine ranking by securing backlinks from reputable sites and optimising content for SEO. This helps in driving organic traffic to the brand’s website.
  6. Crisis Management: Developing strategies to handle negative publicity or online crises. This includes monitoring online conversations, responding promptly to negative comments or reviews, and issuing public statements when necessary.
  7. Reputation Management: Monitoring and managing the brand’s online reputation through reviews, social media, and other online mentions. They implement strategies to enhance positive perceptions and mitigate negative ones.